The School is affiliated to the CBSE, member of the IPSC (Indian Public Schools’ Conference) and is accredited to the ISO 9001:2015; it has NCC and provides British Council sponsored Programmes.
The school is also affiliated to the NPSC (National Progressive Schools’ Conference), the Round Square International, The IAYP (International Awards for Young People), the AFS (American Field Service) for International Programmes and organizes a host of other programs promoting Internationalism, which is core to the school’s curriculum.
The school possesses a team of exceptionally good, dedicated and committed faculty (all reside in the school), with high expectations and a clear adherence to the concept of an all-round development through 'Quality' Education, Excellent pastoral care, clearly defined processes which are continuously reviewed and improved. We are particularly strong at Academics, Music, Drama, Art, Sports, Environment and outward-bound exchanges.