Best Co-Ed Residential Boarding Schools In India

Hostels/Boarding Houses:

The hostels have dormitories and attached washrooms with hot and cold running water. Separate hostels are provided for boys and girls. Each dormitory is under the personal care and supervision of a Matron or warden who looks into every small need of the child including clothing, health, hygiene, cleanliness, laundry etc. The children sleep on bunk-beds and each child has an independent cupboard unit. The Best boarding schools in India provides the beds but the parents are required to supply the bedding including mattresses. The washrooms have separate levels for baths and toilets to maintain the highest standards of hygiene and sanitation. Filtered drinking water is provided in the hostel block. The Matron's quarters and a common room for recreation are attached to the dormitories.


Boarding Facilities

Students must be physically fit to derive the best out of the education imparted in the school. Since this is primarily a residential school and participation in all activities is compulsory, parents may be asked to withdraw the child if the child is not keeping fit. Any expenditure incurred on the child's health care is billed to the parent separately.

The Best boarding schools in India has a small infirmary/hospital where the children are admitted if they are ill or unfit in any way to stay in the dormitory. There is a qualified resident doctor as well as a nurse attached to the infirmary. Besides this the facilities of a well equipped Primary Health Centre (PHC) and laboratory are available at Dharampur. For very serious or complicated cases the children are referred to specialists at Chandigarh or Solan. In some cases, the parents are requested to take the children for specialized medical treatment.


Personal hygiene, especially for the younger children, is carried out by the Ayahs and supervised by the Hostel Matrons. The teachers and matrons carry out a weekly medical and hygiene check-up of all children.



Students sit at tables for 10-12 children with a teacher who supervises their meals. Three major meals are served along with mid-day milk and snacks, once in morning break and once again in the evening break. It is ensured that the diet is wholesome, nutritious, hygienic and well balanced. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals are provided. The food is prepared under the strict supervision of the mess in-charge and the Bursar/Administrator. The menu is planned in consultation with a Food Committee consisting of students and teachers.



A tuck-shop is available in the school where the children are permitted to buy tuck by using specially printed pocket money cheques. Children are not permitted to handle money. The school ensures that all merchandise sold in the tuck-shop is approved by the concerned Head.


Uniforms - Parents are requested to buy the school uniform only from our authorized stockists. This ensures uniformity of colour, cloth and stitching to facilitate a good turnout of the children. Parents are free to purchase the rest of the clothing from anywhere. The boarding number, allotted to the child, is to be marked on all the clothing by embroidering at places that are not visible when the clothing is worn. The school will not be responsible for any losses if the marking on clothing is not done properly. At the end of every session, it is the duty of the parent to take away old, small or worn-out clothing and replace it during the vacation. Civil Clothes - Only one pair of civil clothes is permitted. No expensive items and fancy clothes are allowed. Losses - The school will not be responsible for losses of small clothing like handkerchiefs, undergarments, socks etc and these are to be replaced by the parents every year. Parents are advised not to give the child any extra items like expensive clothes, watches, jewellary etc as the school will not be responsible for the loss of any such items.


The Best co-ed boarding schools in India provides toiletries like soap, shampoo, polish, tooth brush, comb, oil, paste, cream/vaseline etc. The parents who wish to supply their own brand of toiletries may do so over and above the supply of the school at their own expense.


Relying more on affectionate encouragement to the students and keeping in tune with the modern concepts of psychological handling of children, it is the best endeavour of the school to inculcate the habit of self-discipline in the children. Corporal punishment is not permitted. However, it has to be understood that discipline, if imposed through 'Affirmative Measures', is done in the best interest of the child. To assist in maintaining a high standard of discipline and decorum in the school, we seek the co-operation of the parents. Therefore, the parents/guardians are requested to read and strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the School.

Birthday Parties:


Parents may ask the school to arrange for birthday parties for their children at extra cost. Those who wish to arrange it on their own are advised not to bring more than one sweet and one savoury item along with a cake either for the whole school or for the whole class. Parents are permitted to meet the child or wish their child telephonically on his/her birthday.



Outings to nearby locations are arranged regularly class-wise. Special outings are arranged for the children who are not able to go home on the visiting weekends. Children get the opportunity to go to the Masjid, Gurudwara, Church or Temple, as applicable, on religious functions. Special outings are also arranged for children who excel in academics during their regular unit and terminal exams and also for those children who excel in Inter School activities.

Visiting Weekends:

The visiting weekends are those weekends when parents/guardians are permitted to visit their children and take them out as per the rules of the school. These visiting weekends are mentioned in the school calendar. The children are permitted to leave on the visiting weekend with the parent/guardian after 1000 hrs on the day the weekend starts and are expected to return by 1600 hrs on the day the weekend concludes. Late arrivals will be fined according to the rules existing at that time. No parent will be permitted to meet the children on any other day as this disturbs the daily routine and smooth functioning of the school . Allowed a little time, children as a rule, comfortably settle down to life in the hostel. Therefore, parents of new students may not be permitted to meet the children for about six weeks following admission. This allows time for the child to get adjusted to the new environment. Phone calls (from parents only) for those who stay back during the visiting weekend are permitted.

School Telephone:

Parents may ring up the Headmaster or the Head Teacher and inquire about their child at any time but children, as a rule, are not permitted to talk on the telephone to their parents.


All children are insured under the group insurance scheme up to a maximum liability of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only). If parents so desire, they may get their children insured for higher sums on their own.

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